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News about Awards
General news | 2024-11-14
21 of Stockholm Resilience Centre’s researchers are listed among 2% most cited scientists in their field in 2024, according to the new Elsevier Data Repository.
General news | 2024-02-29
Johan Rockström, professor and former director at Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, now leading the University of Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, has received the world's top environmental prize.
General news | 2023-11-15
Four researchers associated with Stockholm Resilience Centre made it onto the 2023 Clarivate Analytics overview, a ranking of the most cited scientists in the world
General news | 2023-04-14
Centre researcher and co-founder Johan Rockström made it onto the TIME100, the TIME magazine’s annual list of the hundred most influential people in the world
General news | 2023-04-12
Centre researchers Thomas Elmqvist, Erik Andersson, Timon McPhearson, Per Olsson, Owen Gaffney and Carl Folke are selected as recipients of the Ecological Society of America’s Sustainability Science Award 2023
General news | 2022-11-15
Carl Folke, Johan Rockström, Thomas Elmqvist, Per Olsson, Max Troell and Jonathan Donges ranked as some of the globally most cited researchers
Research news | 2022-06-20
Centre researcher Malin Jonell has won the Östersjöakuten award 2022 for her research contributions to the Baltic Sea
Research news | 2022-06-08
Folke acknowledged for his pioneering role in the transdisciplinary approach within sustainability science
Research news | 2021-11-24
Praised for his pioneering work in resilience thinking and sustainability of the ocean
Research news | 2021-11-17
Carl Folke, Johan Rockström, Reinette “Oonsie” Biggs, Thomas Elmqvist and Per Olsson on exclusive list of world’s most influential researchers
Research news | 2020-11-19
Stephan Barthel, Oonsie Biggs, Örjan Bodin, Thomas Elmqvist, Carl Folke, Per Olsson, Garry Peterson and Johan Rockström on exclusive list of world’s most influential researchers
Research news | 2020-09-24
Centre researcher also listed among the world’s most cited researchers
Research news | 2020-06-22
Centre researcher internationally renowned for her research on the dynamics of social-ecological systems
General news | 2020-06-04
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services rewarded for its “assiduous and scientifically credible work”. Centre staff has been deeply involved in the platform’s work
General news | 2020-01-27
The two winners, closely connected to the centre, praised for their work to illuminate and quantify the economic value of our natural environment
Research news | 2019-11-20
Carl Folke, Johan Rockström, Reinette “Oonsie” Biggs, Stephan Barthel and Per Olsson on exclusive list of world’s most influential researchers
General news | 2019-11-18
Praised for its efforts to disseminate knowledge and hope about the transition to a more sustainable system
Research news | 2019-09-25
Frances Westley, former Chair of the centre board, named 2019 honorary doctor for her contribution to the university’s research and education
Research news | 2019-04-17
Recognised for their outstanding contributions to ecology
Research news | 2019-01-31
Carl Folke, Brian Walker and Johan Rockström among researchers on exclusive list
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