Carl Folke awarded the Prince Albert I Grand Medal 2021
Praised for his pioneering work in resilience thinking and sustainability of the ocean
Centre founder and current chair of the board Carl Folke has been awarded the 2021 Prince Albert I Grand Medal for his “service to the ocean”.
In their motivation, the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco describes Folke as "a pioneer in integrative science for sustainability", fostering a new generation of sustainability science researchers internationally and in Sweden.
Since the mid-1980s he has broken new ground in analysing and understanding the dynamic interplay of humans and nature, of economy and ecology, from management and stewardship of ecosystem services in the ocean to global sustainability.
His research illustrates how progress, prosperity and wellbeing will benefit from reconnecting development to the biosphere.
Oceanographic Institute award motivation.
In addition to Folke, Enric Sala won the 2021 Mediation medal for his efforts to “make the voice of the Ocean heard loud and clear.” Sala is a former university professor who saw himself writing the obituary of ocean life, and quit academia to become a full-time conservationist as a National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence.
The Prince Albert I Grand Medal is the most prestigious prize awarded by the Oceanographic Institute. Every year it rewards prominent international names of the marine world, on both the scientific and mediation levels. The prize takes the form of a medal in gilded bronze bearing the embossed profile of Prince Albert I of Monaco, a pioneer of modern oceanography and founder of the Institute.
As the 2020 ceremony was cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 winners received their awards together on Monday 22 November in Paris.