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Our research is regularly published in top-ranked scientific journals. Search for specific publications below
Journal / article | 2025
Christine Kaufhold, Matteo Willeit, Stefanie Talento, Andrey Ganopolski, Johan Rockström. 2025. Data set for the study "Interplay between climate and carbon cycle feedbacks could substantially enhance future warming". Zenodo.
In light of uncertainties regarding climate sensitivity and future anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, we explore the plausibility of global warming over the next millennium which is significantly higher than what is usually expected. Although efforts to decarbonize the global economy have significantly shifted global anthropogenic emissions away from the most extreme emission scenarios, intermediate emission scenarios are...
Bruno Locatelli, Sandra Lavorel, Matthew J. Colloff, Emilie Crouzat, Enora Bruley, Giacomo Fedele, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Tobias Plieninger, Erik Andersson, Mick Abbott, James Butler, Tahia Devisscher, Houria Djoudi, Titouan Dubo, Alberto González-García, Paulina G. Karim, Claudia Múnera-Roldán, Margot Neyret, Fabien Quétier, Nicolas Salliou, Gretchen Walters. 2025. Intertwined people–nature relations are central to nature-based adaptation to climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
Adaptation to climate change is a social–ecological process: it is not solely a result of natural processes or human decisions but emerges from multiple relations within social systems, within ecological systems and between them. We propose a novel analytical framework to evaluate social–ecological relations in nature-based adaptation, encompassing social (people–people), ecological (nature–nature) and social–ecological (peopl...
Artur Branny, Erik Andersson, Timon McPhearson. 2025. Micro-climate of nature-based solutions in stockholm royal seaport. Nature-Based Solutions.
Extreme weather events are on the rise, increasingly impacting cities and their urban populations. In response, urban greening and nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged as key approaches for reducing risks from multiple types of extreme climate and weather events while making a positive impact on urban social and environmental inequities. NbS interventions are high on urban agendas worldwide, but in practice, they often ar...
O. Care, Julie G. Zaehringer, Michael J. Bernstein, Mollie Chapman, Cecilie Friis, Sonia Graham, L. Jamila Haider, Mónica Hernández-Morcillo, Harry Hoffmann, Maria Lee Kernecker, Hannah Pitt, Verena Seufert. 2025. Reaping what we sow: Centering values in food systems transformations research. Ambio.
In many transdisciplinary research settings, a lack of attention to the values underpinning project aims can inhibit stakeholder engagement and ultimately slow or undermine project outcomes. As a research collective (The Careoperative), we have developed a set of four shared values through a facilitated visioning process, as central to the way we work together: care, reflexivity, inclusivity, and collectivity. In this paper, w...
A.J. Woodhead, J.O. Kenter, C.D. Thomas, L.C. Stringer. 2025. How ecosystem services are co-produced: a critical review identifying multiple research framings. Ecosystem Services.
How ecosystem services are produced remains a critical research gap that must be addressed if services are to persist under on-going and future environmental change. Interest in this area is coalescing under the term ‘co-production’, which recognises that services are generated through interactions between social and ecological processes. Here we conduct a critical review of academic research into the co-production of ecosyste...
Anne Charlotte Bunge, Rachel Mazac, Michael Clark, Line Gordon. 2025. Emerging alternatives to coffee, cocoa and palm oil deserve a spot on the research agenda. Nature Food.
Can Zhang, Bo Su, Michael Beckmann, Shiming Fang, Yao Xiao, Heng Ma, Ningyu Yan, Martin Volk. 2025. Emergy-based valuation of glacier ecosystem services: A case from the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Environmental Management.
Glaciers provide multiple ecosystem services (ES) to human society. Due to the continued global warming, the valuation of glacier ES is of urgent importance because this knowledge can support the protection of glaciers. However, a systematic valuation of glacier ES is still lacking, particularly from the perspective of ES contributors. In this study, we introduce the concept of emergy to establish a methodological framework fo...
Journal / article | 2024
A. Vatn, UNAI PASCUAL, R. Chaplin-Kramer, M. Termansen, P. Arias-Arévalo, P. Balvanera, S. Athayde, T. Hahn, E. Lazos. 2024. Incorporating diverse values of nature in decision-making—theory and practice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
Values play a significant role in decision-making, especially regarding nature. Decisions impact people and nature in complex ways and understanding which values are prioritised, and which are left out is an important task for improving the equity and effectiveness of decision-making. Based on work done for the IPBES Values Assessment, this paper develops a framework to support analyses of how decision-making influence...
Niak Sian Koh, Grace Y. Wong, Thomas Hahn. 2024. Radical incrementalism: hydropolitics and environmental discourses in Laos. Environmental Politics.
The Nam Theun 2 dam is an influential case of applying safeguards to mitigate social and environmental impacts from hydropower, being used as a model for large dams globally. However, these safeguards have produced mixed results. We examine the role of safeguards in hydropower, and how stakeholders have discussed its use. Based on a literature review and stakeholder interviews, we conduct a discourse analysis of narratives use...
Thomas Hahn, Johannes Morfeldt, Robert Höglund, Mikael Karlsson, Ingo Fetzer. 2024. Estimating countries’ additional carbon accountability for closing the mitigation gap based on past and future emissions. Nature Communications.
Quantifying fair national shares of the remaining global carbon budget has proven challenging. Here, we propose an indicator—additional carbon accountability—that quantifies countries’ responsibility for mitigation and CO2 removal in addition to achieving their own targets. Considering carbon debts since 1990 and future claims based on countries’ emission pathways, the indicator uses an equal cumulative per capita emissions ap...
Stockholm Resilience Centre is a collaboration between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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