Climate change effects on lakes


The world’s growing population faces the challenge of meeting ever-larger demands for  fresh water, not only for drinking but also for agriculture, industry and recreation. Already some one billion people are at risk from over-use, water withdrawals and pollution of these water bodies So scientific knowledge of the lakes and reservoirs, which hold about 90% of the world's surface fresh water, is increasingly critical to meeting the multiplicity of needs.

The Encyclopedia of Lakes and Reservoirs offers a comprehensive and authoritative review of physical, chemical and ecological characteristics of lakes and reservoirs, as well as describing their uses and environmental conditions and trends in all parts of the world.


Link to centre authors: Blenckner, Thorsten
Publication info: Blenckner, T. 2012. Climate change effects on lakes. In: Bengtsson L., Herschy, R.W., Fairbridge, R.W. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Lakes and Reservoirs, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 165-167


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