The Clarivate list
Centre researchers among most cited in the world

Five Stockholm Resilience Centre researchers are among the most cited scientists in the world, according to the 2024 Clarivate list.
The listed researchers have authored papers that rank in the top 1% in terms of citations
within their respective fields.
Stockholm Resilience Centre has been represented on the Clarivate ranking for more than five years. This year, Centre researchers Sarah Cornell, Thomas Elmqvist, Max Troell, Johan Rockström and Carl Folke are among the listed.
Two other Stockholm University researchers, Ian Cousins and Gustaf Hugelius, are also on the 2024 Clarivate list.
“Congratulations to our colleagues for being among the most cited in the world. This underlines the impact our research has in the academic world, shaping the future of sustainability science, says Line Gordon, Centre director.
The company Clarivate base their list on data from the reference and citation database Web of Science. The list contains close to 6,900 researchers.