Centre Management
Beatrice Crona and Magnus Nyström appointed as new science directors

Beatrice Crona and Magnus Nyström will take over as science directors at the centre. Photo: E-L. Jansson/Azote
Shifts in the scientific leadership of SRC in the new year
Professor Beatrice Crona and professor Magnus Nyström will take over as science directors at the Stockholm Resilience Centre as of 2023. They have both been part of the leadership team as deputy science directors.
“Beatrice Crona continues to develop innovative and impactful research. Just over the past couple of years she has led the international Blue Food Assessment, resulting in a special feature across the Nature journals with insights going straight into the UN Food System Summit,” says centre director Line Gordon and continues: “She has also developed our work on financial systems and the biosphere, together with the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere programme, GEDB, at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.”
“I’m excited to take on this new position and look forward to working closely with the whole of the centre to develop the next generation of cutting-edge research that can support the development of a sustainable society,” says Beatrice Crona.
Magnus Nyström is a professor in sustainability science with a focus on how humans shape the global biosphere and how this, in turn, influences the biosphere’s capacity to support human societies.
“I am deeply impressed by Magnus Nyström’s scientific work. He has developed from a coral reef scientist working on local case studies, to someone now tackling challenges of the resilience of our whole global production ecosystem,” says Line Gordon. She continues: “His work was published in the special issue of Nature when the journal celebrated its 150-year anniversary. “
“I’m thrilled to become a science director at Stockholm Resilience Centre, and build on all the fantastic work that has come out by the amazing people at the centre over the years. I feel confident that we’ll continue to break new research ground – and have fun doing so,” says Magnus Nyström.
The current science director Henrik Österblom will stay connected to the centre but will direct more attention to his role as director of the newly-started Anthropocene Biosphere Laboratory at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Carl Folke, also the current science director, continues as chair of the board for the centre, in an advisory role for the centre leadership, and as the founding director.