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side event, un ocean conference 5-9 may
Engaging the private sector in SDG14
The Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS) initiative Friday, 9 June, 2017. Opening remarks by HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Advocate for the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This side event will present and discuss the efforts by companies in SeaBOS, a science-based sustainability initiative involving nine of the world’s largest seafood companies.
The event will illustrate how industry can actively engage to advance the SDG agenda, discuss how actions by policymakers and business can complement each other, and serve to stimulate other ocean-related industry sectors to engage in a similar way for supporting the SDGs. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how collaboration between science and industry can work in practice, and present the developing action agenda within this partnership. The discussion will primarily focus on how SeaBOS can contribute to SDG Targets 14.2 and 14.4.
The side event will take place at the UN Headquarters, Conference venue, Conference Room 7, 1:15pm – 2:30pm.
Knut Nesse, CEO Nutreco, Chairman SeaBOS
Darian McBain, Head of Sustainability,Thai Union
H.E. Ms. Isabella Lövin, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden and Swedish Minister for International Development
Linnea Engström, Member of the European Parliament
Johan Williams, Specialist Director, Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Henrik Österblom, Associate Professor, Deputy Science Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Moderator: Meg Caldwell, Deputy Director, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Opening remarks
HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Advocate for the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Introducing the SeaBOS initiative
The SeaBOS initiative - from a scientific idea to a global partnership for change
Henrik Österblom, Associate Professor, Deputy Science Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Current status and direction of SeaBOS
Knut Nesse, CEO of Nutreco and Chairman of SeaBOS
How the SeaBOS initiative can stimulate global industry collaboration around SDG14
Dr Darian McBain, Head of Sustainability, Thai Union (video)
Reflections on science-business-government partnership for change: How can nation states develop partnership with the seafood industry
Johan Williams, Norwegian Ministry for Trade, Industry and Fisheries
How can global industry actors contribute to international policy development?
Linnea Engström, member of the European Parliament
Partnerships between business and governments to support implementation of SDG14
H.E. Ms. Isabella Lövin – Swedish Minister for International Development
Moderated by
Dr. Meg Caldwell, Deputy Director, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Programme
Friday, 9 June, 2017, UN Headquarters, Conference Room 7, 1:15pm – 2:30pm