An analytical framework for assessing progress toward ecosystem-based management


While both practical implementation of Ecosystem-based management (EBM), and academic studies of such initiatives, has increased in the last decade there is a notable lack of systematic, critical assessment of EBM progress and outcomes that take both ecological and socioeconomic aspects into account in an integrated fashion. This is problematic given the increasingly important role of EBM as a guiding principle and goal in both policy and practice. Consensus exists on why it is good and desirable to aim for EBM but it seems the EBM concept itself has expanded at a pace higher than the knowledge of how to accomplish EBM has accumulated.

Related brief: Governing ecosystem-based management: why and how we should think about collaborative networks Pdf, 5.4 MB.


Link to centre authors: Crona, Beatrice
Publication info: Crona, B., 2016. An analytical framework for assessing progress toward ecosystem-based management. Stockholm Resilience Centre brief, November 2016


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