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Journal / article | 2024
Thomas Hahn, Johannes Morfeldt, Robert Höglund, Mikael Karlsson, Ingo Fetzer. 2024. Author Correction: Estimating countries’ additional carbon accountability for closing the mitigation gap based on past and future emissions. Nature Communications.
Correction to: Nature Communications , published online 09 November 2024 The original version of this Article contained an error in sub-section “Estimating countries’ additional carbon accountability”, which incorrectly read ‘Four of 18 countries with additional carbon accountability have larger planned future emissions than additional accountabilities: China, Tür...
Report | 2024
Sandra Hacón, Gloria Amparo Rivera, Ylana Elias Rodrigues, Federico Ernesto Viscarra Riveros, Cecilia Siliansky de Andreazzi, Gisele Winck, Victor Galaz, Nathália Nascimento, Putira Sacueana, Carlos Mena. 2024. Health in the Amazon: Environmental, Social and Economic Challenges. Science Panel for the Amazon.
Mariana Mazzucato, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Johan Rockström. 2024. The Economics of Water: Valuing the Hydrological Cycle as a Global Common Good. Global Commission on the Economics of Water.
We need a sea change in how we understand and act on water. The purpose is clear: bring back stability to the global water cycle, deliver on the human right to safe water, achieve food security and development that works for all, and keep our planet safe for generations to come. The global crisis of water hurts the most vulnerable first, and hardest. More than 1,000 children under five die every day from unsafe water and lack...
Christine Kaufhold, Matteo Willeit, Stefanie Talento, Andrey Ganopolski, Johan Rockström. 2024. Data set for the study "Combined uncertainties in climate and carbon-cycle feedbacks could allow for future warming much higher than expected". Zenodo.
In light of uncertainties regarding climate sensitivity and future anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, we explore the plausibility of global warming over the next millennium which is significantly higher than what is expected. While progress in decarbonizing the global economy has already resulted in global anthropogenic emission significantly deviating from the most extreme emission scenarios (SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5), inte...
William J Ripple, Christopher Wolf, Jillian W Gregg, Johan Rockström, Michael E Mann, Naomi Oreskes, Timothy M Lenton, Stefan Rahmstorf, Thomas M Newsome, Chi Xu, Jens-Christian Svenning, Pereira, Cássio Cardoso, Beverly E Law, Thomas W Crowther. 2024. The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth. BioScience.
We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis. For many years, scientists, including a group of more than 15,000, have sounded the alarm about the impending dangers of climate change driven by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ecos...
Julia Tomalka, Claudia Hunecke, Lisa Murken, Tim Heckmann, Carla Cronauer, Rike Becker, Quitterie Collignon, Peron A. Collins-Sowah, Michael Crawford, Nele Gloy, Anna C. Hampf, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Giulia Malevolti, Gina Maskell, Christoph Müller, Alexander Popp, Mélika Vodounhessi, Christoph Gornott, Johan Rockström. 2024. Stepping back from the precipice: Transforming land management to stay within planetary boundaries. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
This special report on land – Stepping back from the precipice: Transforming land management to stay within planetary boundaries – draws on an extensive literature review to present a planetary boundaries perspective on land degradation. Land is central to seven of the nine planetary boundaries, referred to as the land-based planetary boundaries. The report focuses on these boundaries, their interlinkages, and opportunities fo...
Future Earth, The Earth League, WCRP. 2024. 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2024/2025. Future Earth, The Earth League, The World Climate Research Programme.
Each year, Future Earth, the Earth League and the World Climate Research Programme gather leading scholars from around the world to review the most pressing findings in climate research. The result is the 10 New Insights in Climate Science, delivered as two self-standing products: a peer-reviewed scientific article and this policy report providing a rich and valuable synthesis for policymakers and society at large. The scienti...
Şiir Kılkış, Anders Bjørn, Xuemei Bai, Jianguo Liu, Gail Whiteman, Beatrice Crona, Lauren Seaby Andersen, Syezlin Hasan, Varsha Vijay, Oscar Sabag. 2024. City–company collaboration towards aligned science-based target setting. Nature Sustainability.
Cities and companies have great potential to reduce pressures on Earth system boundaries. Science-based target setting has emerged as a powerful tool to help achieve the potential, but its uptake has been limited. Moreover, cities and companies usually develop their targets separately, even though many are co-located. Focusing on the top 200 cities and 500 companies by greenhouse gas emissions, we analyse the current state and...
Daniel Lindvall, Patrik Sörqvist, Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Mikael Karlsson, Stefan Sjöberg, Stephan Barthel. 2024. The Role of Fairness for Accepting Stricter Carbon Taxes in Sweden. Climate.
Carbon taxes are considered to be an efficient method to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; however, such taxes are generally unpopular, partly because they are seen as unfair. To explore if public acceptance of a stricter carbon tax in Sweden can be enhanced, this study investigates the effectiveness of three different policy designs, addressing collective and personal distributional consequences and promoting procedural aspect...
Xander Huggins, Tom Gleeson, Karen G. Villholth, Juan C. Rocha, James S. Famiglietti. 2024. Groundwaterscapes: A Global Classification and Mapping of Groundwater's Large‐Scale Socioeconomic, Ecological, and Earth System Functions. Water Resources Research.
Groundwater is a dynamic component of the global water cycle with important social, economic, ecological, and Earth system functions. We present a new global classification and mapping of groundwater systems, which we call groundwaterscapes, that represent predominant configurations of large-scale groundwater system functions. We identify and map 15 groundwaterscapes which offer a new lens to conceptualize, study, model, and m...
Stockholm Resilience Centre is a collaboration between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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