Making change and transformation really happen
Calls for transformation are popping up everywhere these days, but transformations are not easy or quick fixes. How can we make change happen?
Within calls for transformation, there seems to be a hunger – a hunger to slow down, spend time healing, and to feel more connected; to ourselves, to each other, and to the ecosystems we are a part of.
But how can that happen? And can we create that kind of healing at scales large enough that it will contribute to the kinds of transformations that may create a different kind of future.
In this episode, Stockholm Resilience Centre researcher Michele-Lee Moore talks to two experts on what it takes to step away from the status quo and established modes of thinking.
Dr. Vanessa Andreotti (University of British Columbia) is an expert on race, inequality, and education and focuses on collective processes for both healing and re-thinking how we create alternative futures, and Dr Per Espen Stoknes (Centre for Green Growth at the Norwegian Business School), is a psychologist and expert on scenarios and sustainable economics.
Together they unravel some of the obstacles that exist for transformation to really happen.
Relevant readings
Books by Vanessa Andreotti
Actionable Postcolonial Theory in Education (2011)
Learning to Read the World: Through Other Eyes (2008)
Books by Per Espen Stoknes
Tomorrow’s Economy: A Guide to Creating Healthy Green Growth (2021)
What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming: Toward a New Psychology of Climate Action (2015)
Money and Soul: The Psychology of Money and the Transformation of Capitalism (2009)
About Rethink Talks
Rethink Talks is Stockholm Resilience Centre’s multimedia podcast series on resilience thinking and global change. It spotlights conversations between experts on a range of topics that highlight how resilience thinking and biosphere stewardship add value to current debates on for instance COVID-19.