
Crisis and renewal: what COVID-19 says about our world

Person holding black phone

Photo: R. Worrall/Unsplash


Covid-19 brought the modern world to its knees. Established lifestyles and habits had to change overnight. How did we get to this point?

This episode of Rethink Talk takes a deep dive into what COVID-19 says about our world and what change it may trigger.

Hosted by Louise Hård Af Segerstad, three experts on change and transformation share their perspectives: professor Marten Scheffer, Department of Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University in the Netherlands; Lauren Hermanus, expert in sustainable development in practice in South Africa and Michele-Lee Moore from the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

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Video: Critical transitions (a collaboration between Marten Scheffer and Norwegian artist Tone Bjordam)

Video: Trajectories (live performance by Tone Bjordam and Marten Scheffer)

About Rethink Talks

Rethink Talks is Stockholm Resilience Centre’s multimedia podcast series on resilience thinking and global change. It spotlights conversations between experts on a range of topics that highlight how resilience thinking and biosphere stewardship add value to current debates on for instance COVID-19.

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