


PhD candidate

+31 6 34687734


Profile summary

  • Hydrology
  • Regime shifts
  • Freshwater resilience
  • Land-water feedbacks
  • River plastic pollution
  • Earth system science

Romi Lotcheris’ research focuses on understanding and safeguarding water resilience in the Anthropocene.

Lotcheris’ PhD research is situated within the SAFER project, the aim of which is to analyze how severe and widespread loss of water resilience in the Anthropocene impacts distant countries through biophysical and socioeconomic flows. Her research focuses on understanding and detecting global scale water resilience loss. In particular, she works on green water, moisture recycling, and global teleconnections. This involves using earth observation data, methods for detecting resilience loss, and causal inference.

Lotcheris has broad experience in the fields of hydrology and environmental sciences. She holds a Master of Science with distinction in Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, where she contributed to academia through her thesis work on plastic pollution transport and retention in rivers. She also participated in a study exchange to follow courses in oceanography at the University of British Columbia, Canada. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from the University of Southampton in the UK.

Awards and achievements

  • In 2023, she was nominated for the Folkert Hellinga Award for best thesis in the field of land and water management, Wageningen University.


Juan Rocha (main supervisor)
Lan Wang-Erlandsson (co-supervisor)

Staff details


Publications by Lotcheris, Romi