Anne Charlotte



PhD candidate


Profile summary

  • Food systems transformation
  • Sustainable food systems
  • Novel food innovations
  • Planetary health

Anne Charlotte Bunge's research focuses on the implications of novel food innovations for the transformation towards more sustainable food systems in the Nordics.

Bunge is a PhD candidate at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Her research focuses on assessing the sustainability of novel food system technologies and their transformative potential for Nordic food systems. She is particularly interested in the broader sustainability performances of novel foods and in the power dynamics relating to “food tech” as a corporate strategy to transition towards more sustainable food systems. To undertake this research, she applies an inter- and transdisciplinary approach using, among others, life cycle assessment studies through a Planetary Health lens. Besides her PhD, Bunge works part-time as a research assistant for the second EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, and Health.

Before starting as a PhD candidate, Bunge was an intern at the World Health Organisation Office for Non-communicable Diseases in Moscow where she conducted her Master's thesis on sustainable food profiling models as a policy tool.

She holds a MSc in Public Health from Charité in Berlin where she was active as a Campus Ambassador for the Planetary Health Alliance, raising awareness on the interconnectedness of environmental degradation and human health.

As part of her studies at Charité, she participated in a study exchange at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana. During her Undergraduate studies in Public Health at the University of Bremen, Germany, she completed a research semester at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg.

Before commencing her PhD, Bunge conducted external consultancy for the European Public Health Alliance in Brussels, disentangling the human health implications of animal-based food products in the European Union.

Main Supervisor:
Line Gordon, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Michael Clark, University of Oxford
Amanda Wood

Publications by Bunge, Anne Charlotte