Diana V.



PhD candidate


Profile summary

  • Global production ecosystem
  • Agricultural biodiversity
  • Agroecology
  • Complex adaptive systems
  • Data analysis and statistical models
  • Network analysis
  • Food and nutritional security
  • Sustainable livelihoods

Diana Luna-Gonzalez investigates how homogenization of biomass production and increasing connectivity of the trade network influence resilience of the global production ecosystem

Homogenization of biomass production (crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry) and the increasing connectivity of the trade network may influence the resilience of the global production ecosystem to diverse shocks (climate variability and extremes, pandemics, and political and market instabilities).

Using different production and trade datasets, satellite imagery, and network analysis methods, Luna-Gonzalez aims to simulate the interdependence and tele-coupling of biomass production and exchange in the global production ecosystem. This exercise can provide new insights about vulnerabilities in the global production ecosystem and their impact on human and planetary health.

Luna-Gonzalez has a formal education in nutritional science, food systems, and complexity science. She has experience in bio-economic modelling, geographic information systems, and rural development.

Before joining SRC, she worked at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) modelling the nexus food-water using agroecological suitability analysis, hydrological data, and optimization models. She has also collaborated with research collectives on the topic of agroecology and food sovereignty.

Key publications

Su, H., Willaarts, B., Luna-González, D. V., Krol, M. S. and Hogeboom, R. J. 2022. Gridded 5-arcmin, simultaneously farm-size-and crop-specific harvested area for 56 countries. Earth System Science Data Discussions, pp. 1–24.

Anderzén, J., Guzman Luna, A., Luna-González, D. V., Merrill, S. C., Caswell, M. ,Méndez, V. E., Hernández Jonapá, R. and Mier y Terán Giménez Cacho, M. 2020. Effects of on-farm diversification strategies on smallholder coffee farmer food security and income sufficiency in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 77, pp. 33–46.

Luna-González, D. V. and Sørensen, M. 2018. Higher agrobiodiversity is associated with improved dietary diversity, but not child anthropometric status, of Mayan Achí people of Guatemala. Public health nutrition, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 2128–2141.

Publications by Luna-Gonzalez, Diana