
How our food choices drive environmental change


Centre director Line Gordon on what it will take to produce, consume and manage food more sustainably

Our food choices have huge environmental implications. So is it even possible to feed the world without irreversibly harming the planet?

The video is part of a partnership between the centre, EAT and NowThis Earth to inform and inspire people to think more about eating sustainably.

The partnership is build on the goal to inspire NowThis audience to move in a more sustainable direction when it comes to eating habits. Coinciding with the UN Food Systems Summit in September and World Food Day 16 October 2021, NowThis shared a series of expert interviews, infographics and explainers on various aspects of the global food systems.

Now This is one of the world’s biggest social media broadcasters with some 75 million followers across its various channels. EAT is the science-based global platform for food system transformation with The Stockholm Resilience Centre being a long-time scientific partner to EAT.

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