- Urban resilience
- Polycrisis
- Disaster risk reduction
- Climate change
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
Alissa Murray is a master’s student researching urban resilience to polycrisis, focusing on multiple climate change shocks.
Murray’s research focuses on urban resilience to polycrisis, using the case study of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Murray’s analysis will consider how Riyadh has evolved over time and space, to understand how the city is resilient to multiple climate change shocks (specifically extreme heat and flash flooding) and slow stressors. Murray is using a GIS analysis throughout the research, as well as analysis of historic climate and weather data using Python.
Murray has a bachelor’s degree from Goucher College in the United States, having studied a double major in Physics and Spanish. Murray’s professional experience includes work as an Environmental Scientist/Analyst at Potomac Hudson Engineering, Inc., followed by five years of experience in the sustainability/sustainable development sector. Murray served as Director, Program Operations at The Sustainability Laboratory, Inc., and Program Development Officer at WaterAid, working in both the U.S. and Colombia offices. Murray currently works as a Senior Consultant for Susteer AB, a Stockholm-based company focused on supporting business to manage climate change risk.
Awards and achievements
- Magna Cum Laude
- Phi Beta Kappa
Louis Delannoy
Kara Pellowe
Magnus Nyström