Coping with rainfall variability: Dryspell mitigation and implication on landscape water balances in smallscale farming systems in semi-arid Niger

Publication review

Rainfall variability and inherent dry spells are a reality with severe implications for smallholder agro-ecosystems in semi-arid Sahel.

To increase both on- and off-farm biomass production and productivity is challenging with these climate-induced temporal and spatial variations of water.

This paper tests the idea that increased vegetation through tree cover may impact water balance in a water-stressed landscape: South-east Niger.


Publication info: Barron, J., Enfors, E., Cambridge, H., Adamou, M. 2010. Coping with rainfall variability:- Dryspell mitigation and implication on landscape water balances in smallscale farming systems in semi-arid Niger. Int. J. Water Res Dev 26:523-542


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