
Economic and financial decision-making in a post-corona world




Some private sectors warn they may be parking long-term climate visions and ambitions to make sure they survive just another day. This could undermine important sustainability efforts

COVID-19 has forced governments to take unprecedented steps to try and recover their economies.

At the same time, some private sectors warn they may be parking long-term climate visions and ambitions to make sure they survive just another day. This devastating situation could undermine important sustainability efforts.

In this episode, Beatrice Crona, deputy science director from the Stockholm Resilience Centre and executive director of the Gobal Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere programme at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, talks to two on government spending and international finance:

Maria Håkansson, CEO of Swedfund, the Swedish Governments Development Finance Institution and board member of Global Impact Investment Network who launched the Response, Recovery, and Resilience Investment Coalition and Therese Lindahl, director of the Behavior, Economics and Nature Programme at the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics.

Together they will be discussing how stimulus packages and investments can promote short-term economic recovery without compromising long-term decarbonization and sustainability goals.

Just want to listen? Here’s the podcast version:

Relevant books and publications

What Policies Address Both the Coronavirus Crisis and the Climate Crisis? Blog summary: How To Combat both the Corona-Recession and Climate Change.

Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change?

A government roadmap for addressing the climate and post COVID-19 economic crises

Swedfund 2019 integrated report

Global Impact Investing Network

Response, Recovery, and Resilience Investment Coalition

About Rethink Talks

Rethink Talks is Stockholm Resilience Centre’s multimedia podcast series on resilience thinking and global change. It spotlights conversations between experts on a range of topics that highlight how resilience thinking and biosphere stewardship add value to current debates on for instance COVID-19.

Read more about Rethink Talks.

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