Over 80% of the European Union’s marine protected area only marginally regulates human activities


To address the ongoing deterioration of marine ecosystems and its consequences on livelihood, the European Union (EU) now aims to achieve 30% coverage of marine protected areas (MPAs), with 10% under strict protection per region. Here, we provide the first assessment of protection levels of EU MPAs, describing the level of legal restrictions of activities using the MPA Guide framework. While MPAs covered 11.4% of EU national waters in 2022, 0.2% were fully or highly protected. As much as 86% of MPA coverage showed low levels of protection or would not be considered compatible with conservation objectives, as they allow industrial activities. Most MPA coverage showed minimal protection across member states, sea regions, and legal types of MPAs. The EU MPA network likely provides limited ecological outcomes. Reaching the EU’s 10% strict protection target will require radical changes to the regulation of activities in EU MPAs.


Theme affiliation: Ocean
Link to centre authors: Laznya, Anastasiya
Publication info: Juliette Aminian Biquet, Sašo Gorjanc, Jennifer Sletten, Timothé Vincent, Anastasiya Laznya, Natașa Vaidianu, Joachim Claudet, Juliette Young, Barbara Horta e Costa. 2024. Over 80% of the European Union’s marine protected area only marginally regulates human activities. One Earth. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2024.07.010


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