Planetary Health Check Report 2024


The Planetary Boundaries Science (PBScience), a new initiative led by PIK director Johan Rockström and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), supported by the Planetary Guardians and other partners, has launched the Planetary Health Check (PHC), a first-of-its-kind scientific report and tool for the health of the Earth’s vital organs that serve as humanity’s life support system. The PHC combines pioneering Earth science, Earth observation data and multi-disciplinary thinking to quantify the planet’s health and inform solutions to reverse the impact of human activity on the planet.


Link to centre authors: Rockström, Johan
Publication info: Caesar, Levke, Sakschewski, Boris, Andersen, Lauren Seaby, Beringer, Tim, Braun, Johanna, Dennis, Donovan, Gerten, Dieter, Heilemann, Adrian, Kaiser, Jonas, Kitzmann, Niklas H., Loriani, Sina, Lucht, Wolfgang, Ludescher, Josef, Martin, Maria, Mathesius, Sabine, Paolucci, Anja, te Wierik, Sofie, Rockström, Johan. 2024. Planetary Health Check Report 2024. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.


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