Comment on “Resilience of Complex Systems: State of the Art and Directions for Future Research”


Fraccascia, Giannoccaro, and Albino (hereafter FGA) recently reviewed research on the resilience of complex systems [1]. They identified several different fields in which research on the resilience of complex systems is commonly undertaken but found that the literature is highly compartmentalised with few citations between these fields. This result matches previous cross-disciplinary reviews of resilience that have found a similar pattern [2, 3]. While we would hope that interdisciplinary collaborations are helping to bridge this gap, we agree with FGA that the literature on the resilience of complex systems is highly fragmented. FGA’s demonstration of this fragmentation through citation analysis is a valuable contribution.


Link to centre authors: Lade, Steven, Peterson, Garry
Publication info: Lade, S.J., Peterson, G.D. 2019. Comment on “Resilience of Complex Systems: State of the Art and Directions for Future Research”. Complexity Volume 2019, Article ID 6343545, 4 pages,


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