Definition and typology of policy support tools and methodologies in the context of IPBES


A broad definition of policy support tools and methodologies is necessary to support the development of a comprehensive catalogue and guide that is useful for policy makers, member states, allied organizations, NGOs, business and other stakeholders. This broad definition seeks to include all tools and methodologies that can contribute to desired outcomes for people and nature in relation to biodiversity and ecosystem services. 


Publication info: Baptiste, B., J. Carabias, S. Hatfield-Dodds, C. Ituarte-Lima, U. Pascual, I. Ring (coordinating authors) J. Ram Adhikari, M. Andriamahefazafy, S. Arora, G. Erpul, M. Mokhtar Ali Fouda, M. George, H. Hendriks, T. Kluvankova, C. Maretti, E. Munyeneh, R. Oliva, R. Ongugo, G. Pataki, A. Tezer, C.I. Zambrana-Flores. 2015. Definition and typology of policy support tools and methodologies in the context of IPBES. In: Progress report on the catalogue of policy support tools and methodologies (deliverable 4(c)), Information Document IPBES/4/INF/14 for the 4th session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Kuala Lumpur.


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