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Our research is regularly published in top-ranked scientific journals. Search for specific publications below
Journal / article | 2025
Artur Branny, Erik Andersson, Timon McPhearson. 2025. Micro-climate of nature-based solutions in stockholm royal seaport. Nature-Based Solutions.
Extreme weather events are on the rise, increasingly impacting cities and their urban populations. In response, urban greening and nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged as key approaches for reducing risks from multiple types of extreme climate and weather events while making a positive impact on urban social and environmental inequities. NbS interventions are high on urban agendas worldwide, but in practice, they often ar...
Journal / article | 2024
Artur Branny, Megan Lynn Mauer, Erik Andersson, Timon McPhearson, Christopher Raymond, Maija Elina Faehnle, Anton Stahl Olafsson, Natalie Marie Gulsrud. 2024. Introducing listening as a weak method for advancing sustainability and interdisciplinary scholarship. Sustainability Science.
There is now widespread recognition of the need for inter/transdisciplinary (I/TD) approaches to solving global problems like climate change and biodiversity. Yet methods for successfully integrating knowledge across disciplines, and between research and practice, are in need of further development, particularly approaches that can ameliorate epistemological and ontological divides. Here we propose a framework for good listeni...
Journal / article | 2022
Branny, A., Møller, M., Korpilo, S., McPhearson, T., Gulsrud, N., Olafsson, A., Raymond, C., Andersson, E. 2022. Smarter greener cities through a social-ecological-technological systems approach. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.
Smart city development is expanding rapidly globally and is often argued to improve urban sustainability. However, these smart developments are often technology-centred approaches that can miss critical interactions between social and ecological components of urban systems, limiting their real impact. We draw on the social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) literature and framing to expand and improve the impact of smart ...
Stockholm Resilience Centre is a collaboration between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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