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Gretchen Daily and Pavan Suhkdev win 2020 Tyler Prize
- Gretchen Daily is a former member of the SRC board and co-leads the collaboration between the centre and Stanford University
- Pavan Suhkdev, also a former board member, is currently part of the centre's International Scientific Advisory Council and contributes to the centre's executive programme
- $200,000, to be shared equally between the laureates
The two winners, closely connected to the centre, praised for their work to illuminate and quantify the economic value of our
natural environment
Gretchen Daily, professor of environmental science at Stanford University and a close ally of the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), has recieved the 2020 Tyler Prize together with Pavan Suhkdev, an envionmental economist.
The Tyler Prize is awared to recognize the scientific contributions and leadership of environmental problem solvers.
Just like Gretchn Daily, Pavan Suhkdev is closely connected to the centre.
Both are recognised for pioneer work on the valuing of natural capital.
Daily’s ground breaking work forecasting biodiversity change, and estimating the values of ecosystems and their services, started when she was a PhD student, when typical conservation scientists justified their
efforts to conserve nature simply for the value of its existence.
In 2005, she co-founded the Natural Capital Project, whose mission is ‘to pioneer the science, technology, and partnerships that enable informed decisions for people and nature to thrive.’ Today, the ‘NatCap’ Project is one of the world’s leading organizations equipping decision-makers with tools and information to make policies and investments that empower green growth.
The Stockholm Resilience Centre is a core partner to NatCap.
Pavan Suhkdev was the lead author of the first ‘The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ (TEEB) report in 2008. As a former Managing Director at Deutsche Bank, he was uniquely placed to put the consequences of environmental decline into financial and business terminology, and help politicians and business leaders to understand the consequences of their policy and business choices, revolutionizing how decision-makers would come to view the natural world.
In 2009, UN appointed Sukhdev to lead the ‘Green Economy Initiative’, one of the nine Joint Crisis Initiatives. The initiative demonstrated that the greening of economies is actually a new engine for economic growth, a source of new employment, and a means to poverty alleviation.
The Tyler Prize Executive Committee is honoured to recognize two outstanding individuals who have pioneered the valuing of natural capital – in rigorous scientific and economic terms – recognising nature’s vital role in supporting human wellbeing.
Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Tyler Prize Chair
Close connections to the centre
Both Daily and Suhkdev enjoy close relations with the SRC.
In addition to her work with NatCap, Daily also co-leads, together with centre science director Carl Folke, the overall collaboration between the SRC, the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and Stanford. The collaboration is funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.
Daily and Suhkdev are both former members of the SRC board. Sukhdev is currently a member of the International Scientific Advisory Council, a body of internationally leading researchers providing strategic advice and guidance to the scientific development and direction of the SRC. He also contributes to the centre's executive programme in resilience thinking.
An award of $200,000 will be shared equally between the two laureates.