

Research assistant



Profile summary

  • Deliberative mini-publics
  • Facilitation
  • Forest
  • Rural development
  • Process design

Telemo’s work focuses on arranging, facilitating and conducting research on ‘Deliberative Mini Public’s’ within the LANDPATHS project, with an emphatisis on identifying barriers and oppurtunities for change in multifuctional landscapes.

Vera Telemo works as a research assistant alongside Prof. Tim Daw on the LANDPATHS project, a large-scale research program aimed at promoting multifunctional landscapes that are rich in biodiversity and deliver a wide range of benefits to diverse stakeholders. Telemo's work is part of Subproject 3b, which focuses on identifying barriers and opportunities for change. Specifically, she is exploring whether and how deliberative democracy, through deliberative mini-publics (DMPs), can serve as a pathway to achieving multifunctional landscapes.

Telemo is responsible for organizing, facilitating, and conducting research on two DMPs. One focuses on sustainable development in the planned biosphere reserve in Nämdöskärgården, while the other examines important values and management strategies of municipality-owned forests in the municipalities of Ljusdal, Ovanåker, and Bollnäs.

Telemo has a background in environmental scicence holding a master’s degree from the Stockholm Resilience Center/SU. Her master’s thesis focused on the legitimacy of the EU’s ‘Landing Obligation’ policy among Swedish fishers, a regulation aimed at eliminating discards in fisheries. Following her graduation, Telemo worked as a research assistant on a project that explored the local ecological knowledge of small scale fishers. Subsequently, she spent six years as a project manager in rural development with a focus on a wide range of prohect from forest management, arts and crafts, sustainable mobility, textile reuse etc.

Awards and achievements

  • Dyrssen award for best master thesis in the marine sciences

Key publications

Björkvik, E., Boonstra, W. J., & Telemo, V. (2021). Going on and off the map: Lessons from Swedish fisher knowledge about spawning areas in the Baltic Sea. Ocean & Coastal Management, 211, 105762.

Staff details
