


Postdoctoral reseacher




Profile summary

  • Biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Human health and wellbeing
  • Evidence synthesis
  • Environmental microbiology
  • Sustainable agriculture and forestry
  • Transdiciplinary research

Honghong Li examines how biodiversity affects human health and well-being in fields like agriculture, forestry, environmental microbiology, urban design, biodiversity conservation, and biosphere health.

Li leads the systematic mapping of existing evidence on the impacts of biodiversity on human health and well-being across different scales, with an extra focus on unifying existing hypotheses and theories of human-nature relationships, funded by Erling-Persson Foundation. She also works as a partner in the EU COST funded project “Network for Evidence Synthesis in The Agri-Food Sector”. Her methodology incorporates evidence synthesis, machine learning, multivariate analysis, structural equation model and computation, integrating theories and insights from ecology, microbiology, and sustainability science.

Li earned her PhD in Environmental Microbiology from University of Helsinki in 2022. Before joining Stockholm Resilience Centre and Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere (GEDB), she worked as a research scientist at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). Her previous research has examined the role of soil microorganisms in sustainable nutrient management and climate change mitigation.

Awards and achievements

  • Research visit grant from Stockholm University Center for Sustainable and Circular Systems (SUCCeSS), 2024
  • Research grant from Finnish Culture Foundation, 2020
  • Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) early career scientist grant, 2019
  • Research visit grant from Helsinki University, 2018

Key publications

Li, H., Jansen, R.E.V., Sijuwade, C. et al. What evidence exists regarding the impact of biodiversity on human health and well-being? A systematic map protocol. Environ Evid 13, 11 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-024-00335-4.

Raisa Mäkipää, Rose Abramoff, Bartosz Adamczyk, Virginie Baldy, Charlotte Biryol, Michal Bosela, Pere Casals, Jorge Curiel Yuste, Marta Dondini, Sara Filipek, Jordi Garcia-Pausas, Raphael Gros, Erika Gömöryová, Shoji Hashimoto, Mariana Hassegawa, Peter Immonen, Raija Laiho, Honghong Li, Qian Li, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Claire Menival, Taiki Mori, Kim Naudts, Mathieu Santonja, Aino Smolander, Jumpei Toriyama, Boris Tupek, Xavi Ubeda, Pieter Johannes Verkerk, Aleksi Lehtonen, How does management affect soil C sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes in boreal and temperate forests? – A review,
Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 529, 2023, 120637, ISSN 0378-1127,

Honghong Li, Petri Penttinen, Jaanis Juhanson, Frederick L. Stoddard, Sara Hallin, Kristina Lindström, Stable nitrogen-cycling capacity in relation to fertilization and intercropping in a sub-boreal grassland, European Journal of Soil Biology, Volume 113, 2022, 103441, ISSN 1164-5563, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2022.103441.