





Profile summary

  • Forests and climate change
  • Ecosystem services
  • Equity
  • Forest governance
  • Livelihood assessments

Grace Wong's research focuses on ecosystem services, poverty and equity within complex social-ecological systems

Wong is a natural resource economist. Wong’s work has largely converged on assessing social, economic and ecological trade-offs in tropical environments, focusing in particular on the interface of development, socio-political processes and environmental change. She has worked extensively throughout Southeast Asia and Latin America. Her current research is on ecosystem services and human wellbeing in dynamic social-ecological systems, with a particular interest on power and equity in the distribution of benefits and risks from natural resource use and governance.

Wong received her PhD in Forest Resources and Conservation from the University of Florida in 2003. She led the landscape conservation planning program at Conservation International, worked on the poverty-environment nexus within land and investments with UNDP in Lao PDR, and more recently, carried out research on the political economy, governance and livelihood aspects of forests and climate change at the Center for International Forestry Research.

Wong is currently principal investigator and coordinator of the following projects:

SEQUAL (Social-ecological relations and gender equality), EU GenderNet Plus

FairFrontiers (Fair for whom? Politics, power and precarity in transformations of tropical forest-agriculture frontiers)

Staff details


Publications by Wong, Grace