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News about Farming systems
Research story | 2025-01-13
Start-ups are racing to develop lab-grown alternatives to coffee, cocoa, and palm oil, aiming to reduce the environmental and social harm linked to these crops while meeting rising global demand. Yet, little is known about the full potential and consequences of these innovations, according to a new study published in Nature Food.
Research news | 2024-01-22
From a bean valued for its multitude of functions in ancient China to one of the most traded agricultural commodities of the modern world: the soybean has gone through dramatic changes throughout the millennia.
Research news | 2023-05-03
What we eat globally needs to shift. National dietary guidelines can play a major role in improving peoples’ environmental food footprint. A new framework looks at how to create them
Research news | 2022-10-24
Synthetic chemicals and GMOs can lead to lock-ins and surprises in food systems that must be navigated in transformations to sustainability
Research news | 2022-09-19
Using waste from food production to feed livestock and aquaculture could help feed more people with less
Research news | 2020-07-22
Why rotating and diversifying crops can help keep the corn rootworm away
Research news | 2020-06-21
Production model promises triple wins for smallholders and the environment. That may be too good to be true
Research news | 2019-06-03
Poor farmers in the forested uplands of Laos provide a reality check on a much embraced concept
Research news | 2019-03-19
Traditional knowledge about how to eat, process and farm food in harmony with nature can contribute to more sustainable food systems
Research news | 2019-03-08
How remote villages in the Eastern Himalayas have become symbols of forced-upon policies and globalisation
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