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News about Ecosystem services
Research news | 2024-01-12
By prioritizing targeted increases in rainfall, forestation programs may not only mitigate global climate change itself but also reduce its concrete negative effects such as droughts, new study finds
Research news | 2024-01-08
Should the use of wild plants and animals be rapidly phased out in the tropics for conservation and development purposes? A new study argues that this would not be such a good idea
Research news | 2023-10-04
New study investigates how coral reef ecosystem services are linked and distributed in 18 countries around the world
Research news | 2022-11-14
Researchers combined current data with historical images and inputs from previous studies to estimate how ecosystem services have changed over time in northern Burkina Faso
Research news | 2022-11-09
Reaching climate targets depends heavily on better decisions to manage already scarce water resources
Research news | 2022-03-22
Five reasons why a ‘bundles’ approach can improve our understanding of nature’s services to humans
Video news | 2021-06-21
The theme for World Environment Day 2021 is ecosystem restoration. What is the role of ecosystem restoration in building social-ecological resilience?
Research news | 2021-06-02
Comparing across cases can improve ability to predict how land use alters ecosystem service relationships
Research news | 2021-01-12
For households in the Mexican town of Loreto, the chocolate clam is more than just an important source of income. It’s part of their community identity
Research news | 2020-10-19
New study shows how to engage with stakeholders in order for a science-based assessment to have an impact
Research news | 2020-08-13
New study suggests how to better capture the role of biodiversity for sustainable development
Research news | 2020-05-29
Transforming our planet into a production plant for food, fiber and fuel paves the way for new and widespread risks. It may define our future
Research news | 2019-11-06
Humans have transformed much of the planet to produce more and more food, fibre and fuel, now we need to radically transform this global production ecosystem. Centre researchers offer perspectives in Nature's exclusive 150th anniversary collection
Research news | 2019-10-25
Little research has been done on the untapped potential and unintended consequences of human-made water bodies like ditches, fishponds, weirs, reservoirs, fish ladders, and irrigation channels
Research news | 2019-10-24
New study models natural resource dependence in urban areas in South Africa
Research news | 2019-10-12
How evolutionary biology can inform governance and policies on a human-dominated planet
Research news | 2019-10-03
Why human actions on land can threaten the quality of water in lakes
Research news | 2019-08-28
Why the idea that scientific expertise rests on the strict application of pre-determined technical methods is misplaced
Research news | 2019-08-26
A framework to incorporate nature's impact on mental health into city plans
Research news | 2019-08-21
Access to green spaces in cities is a class issue. How can ecosystem services be distributed more equally?
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