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News about Coral reef ecosystems
Research news | 2023-10-04
New study investigates how coral reef ecosystem services are linked and distributed in 18 countries around the world
Research news | 2023-05-03
Sand is a key foundation of society, yet on the ocean sustainability front, it remains a blind spot, says new report
Research news | 2020-10-21
Life on land affects communities at the bottom of the ocean
Research news | 2019-02-21
Coral reefs face a new reality dominated by human impact and it is time for traditional coral reef ecological paradigms to follow suit
Research news | 2019-02-13
New study uses machine learning and an unprecedented dataset from more than six hundred reefs to analyse coral reef tipping points
Research news | 2017-03-31
A diversity of fish species with different shapes and swimming skills key to the resilience of coral reefs
Research news | 2016-11-02
How much more fishing, nutrient pollution and climate change can the world’s coral reefs endure?
Research news | 2015-01-08
Algae-eating fish are key to avoiding regime shifts of Hawaiian coral reefs, study finds
Research news | 2014-01-27
Unrealistic to think coral reefs can return to pristine conditions, more pragmatic management approaches needed
Research news | 2013-09-11
Shocks and natural variability can help restore coral cover on degraded reefs
Research news | 2013-06-04
Market agents wield great influence over fishers' activities
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