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News about Collaborative management
Research story | 2024-11-27
Within the framework of the Fairtrans research program, Sweden’s first national Citizens’ Assembly on Climate was held this spring. Now, the lessons learned are being presented in a report and at a seminar in Parliament.
Research news | 2023-08-18
In a world of conflict, can the ocean be a place of peace? Yes, says a new review paper, and concludes that the UN Ocean Decade has an important role to play
Research news | 2022-09-13
Awareness of interdependencies may not promote, but instead even inhibit, exchange and dialogue between different policy actors
Research news | 2022-05-09
Played by the right people, strategy games can break free from established norms and support more transparent democratic dialogues
Research news | 2019-11-12
Why thinking global and acting local can actually undermine sustainability at larger scales, and how to make sure that it doesn’t
Research news | 2018-09-12
Centre launches new online platform for resilience assessments, representing a major innovation in resilience practice
Research news | 2017-08-25
Invasion of the Indo-Pacific lionfish outside Jamaica reveals need to improve collaboration within marine protected areas
Research news | 2017-08-18
Collaborative governance not always fit for solving environmental problems, according to new review article in Science
Research news | 2017-06-12
New study explores how information and collaboration influence governance networks, and highlights trade-offs and benefits of using adaptive policies
Research news | 2017-06-01
Possibly. Assessment of four UNESCO biosphere reserves reveals "myriad" of positive results
Research news | 2017-05-16
Mosaic governance: introducing approach that can better account for various actors engaged in urban green development
Research news | 2017-02-06
Scientists, communities and actors connected to the Mombasa fisheries system join forces to support the most vulnerable in a rapidly changing environment
Research news | 2017-01-23
Creating strong cooperatives might be more important than fishing at the most sustainable level, new study suggests
Research news | 2016-11-15
A 3 million SEK grant from Swedish Research Council awarded to centre researchers Örjan Bodin and Erik Andersson
Research news | 2016-08-30
How urban ecology can go from being a plot-based research activity to a global cross-comparative research programme
Research news | 2016-08-03
How to develop and manage networks to solve complex social issues, in particular how to develop holistic approaches to environmental management
Research news | 2016-06-21
Centre research featured in special issue on urban sustainability and resilience
Research news | 2016-06-16
Johan Rockström and leader of the Norwegian Labour party Jonas Gahr Störe call for better management of the world oceans, essential to protect future food supplies
Research news | 2016-05-26
Luca Alinovi, Executive Director, Global Resilience Partnership and centre executive director Johan Rockström on why we need to rethink our approach to recurring humanitarian crises
Research news | 2016-01-28
New empirical evidence of the role of collaborative approaches for better fit between governance systems and ecosystems
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