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Journal / article | 2024
Paul Dunshirn, Erik Zhivkoplias. 2024. Conducting marine genetic research for whom? Mapping knowledge flows from science to patents. npj Ocean Sustainability.
Marine genetic resources hold great value for biotechnological innovation and sustainability-oriented research. However, studies indicate that intellectual property rights pertaining to these resources are concentrated in a handful of companies and countries, triggering contentious international debates. This paper highlights an overlooked dimension: the flow of scientific knowledge in the provision and use of marine genetic r...
Frida Bengtsson, Jean-Baptiste Jouffray, Shinnosuke Nakayama, Erik Zhivkoplias, Colette C. C. Wabnitz, Robert Blasiak, Elizabeth R. Selig, Henrik Österblom. 2024. Who owns reefer vessels? Uncovering the ecosystem of transshipment in fisheries. Science Advances.
A central barrier to effective governance and accountability in fisheries is the limited transparency of corporate ownership. Transshipment—the transfer of catches, fuel, parts, or crew between fishing and cargo vessels known as reefers—is often criticized for its opacity and poor governance. Better insight into the beneficial ownership of vessels involved in transshipment and their operational patterns could lead to more effe...
Juliette Aminian Biquet, Sašo Gorjanc, Jennifer Sletten, Timothé Vincent, Anastasiya Laznya, Natașa Vaidianu, Joachim Claudet, Juliette Young, Barbara Horta e Costa. 2024. Over 80% of the European Union’s marine protected area only marginally regulates human activities. One Earth.
To address the ongoing deterioration of marine ecosystems and its consequences on livelihood, the European Union (EU) now aims to achieve 30% coverage of marine protected areas (MPAs), with 10% under strict protection per region. Here, we provide the first assessment of protection levels of EU MPAs, describing the level of legal restrictions of activities using the MPA Guide framework. While MPAs covered 11.4% of EU national w...
Juliette Aminian-Biquet, Claire Colegrove, Alex Driedger, Nicole Raudsepp, Jennifer Sletten, Timothé Vincent, Virgil Zetterlind, Julia Roessger, Anastasiya Laznya, Natașa Vaidianu, Joachim Claudet, Juliette Young, Barbara Horta e Costa. 2024. Regulations of activities and protection levels in marine protected areas of the European Union: A dataset compiled from multiple data sources. Data in Brief.
The dataset gathers available regulations of human activities and protection levels of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of the European Union (EU). The MPA list and polygons were extracted from the MPA database of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and completed with available zoning systems (all were filtered for their marine area reported under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive). Fully-overlapping MPAs were merged. In ...
Laurel C. Field, Kendyl Wright, Jenna Sullivan-Stack, Jean M. Harris, Stephen P. Kirkman, Peter J. Fielding, Ané Oosthuizen, Siyabonga Dlulisa, Anastasiya Laznya, Emanuel J. Gonçalves, Kirsten Grorud-Colvert. 2024. Assessing South Africa’s marine protected area quality and progress towards conservation goals: An application of The MPA Guide framework. Marine Policy, Volume 173, 2025, 106513. ISSN 0308-597X.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a widely used area-based conservation tool for preventing or reversing the loss of marine biodiversity and sustaining the social-ecological systems that it underpins. Global targets for ocean protection typically track the extent of ocean area within MPAs. However, understanding the effectiveness of protection is crucial, as the level of protection and associated benefits for biodiversity and ...
Tilde Krusberg, Lova Schildt, Jean-Baptiste Jouffray, Erik Zhivkoplias, Robert Blasiak. 2024. A review of marine genetic resource valuations. npj Ocean Sustainability.
Marine biotechnology is a rapidly growing sector of the ocean economy, but efforts to assess its value, and that of the genetic resources that enable it, remain contentious. Through a comprehensive literature review, we identified 67 distinct valuations of marine genetic resources. We analysed these using the IPBES Values Assessment typology and found a predominance of behaviour-based valuations using economic value indicators...
Paul Pearce-Kelly, Andrew H. Altier, John F. Bruno, Christopher E. Cornwall, Melanie McField, Aarón Israel Muñiz-Castillo, Juan Rocha, Renee O. Setter, Charles Sheppard, Rosa Maria Roman-Cuesta, Chris Yesson. 2024. Assessment of warm-water coral reef tipping point thresholds. EGU.
Warm-water coral reefs are facing unprecedented Anthropogenic driven threats to their continued existence as biodiverse, functional ecosystems upon which hundreds of millions of people rely. Determining the tipping point thresholds of coral reef ecosystems requires robust assessment of multiple stressors and their interactive effects. We draw upon a literature search and the recent Global Tipping Points Revision initiative to ...
Areti Balkoni, Wolfgang zu Castell, Karen H. Wiltshire, Maarten Boersma, Hannah Zoller. 2024. Adaptive cycles of a phyto-zooplankton community under human pressure. EGU.
Human activities, such as global warming and nutrient pollution, are posing significant threats to the ecological interactions and biodiversity in aquatic environments. The German Bight, a highly dynamic coastal region of the North Sea, has been subject to considerable warming and nutrient fluctuations over recent decades. These changes have had profound impacts on the plankton communities in this area, leading to a swift reor...
Robert Blasiak, Jean-Baptiste Jouffray. 2024. When will the BBNJ Agreement deliver results?. npj Ocean Sustainability.
A new international agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) was adopted and subsequently opened for signature in September 2023. Yet on average, recent multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) have taken over four years to move from signature to entry into force, while ocean-focused MEAs have taken nearly twice as long. Rapid ratification of the ...
Book chapter | 2024
Jean Baptiste Jouffray, John Virdin. 2024. The Blue Acceleration in Human Use of the Ocean. Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management.
Stockholm Resilience Centre is a collaboration between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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