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Research story | 2024-03-19
Including environmental considerations in the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations has received much praise from authorities and scientists. But it has also sparked criticisms. Centre expertise clears the confusion in a new policy report.
Research news | 2024-02-08
Replacing animal-source foods with plant-based alternatives or whole foods decreases environmental impact, meets nutrition recommendations, and can be cost-competitive with the current average Swedish diet
Research news | 2023-12-08
A new science brief from Stockholm Resilience Centre and Global Resilience Partnership launched during COP28 discusses why the current food crisis has escalated so quickly up to global proportions. The researchers list five key actions for policy-makers to address.
Research news | 2023-05-03
What we eat globally needs to shift. National dietary guidelines can play a major role in improving peoples’ environmental food footprint. A new framework looks at how to create them
Research news | 2023-01-30
We are facing the worst food crisis in modern history – Sweden and the EU need to take action to shift how food is produced and consumed. That was the message from researchers to policymakers during a high-level meeting for the Swedish government at Stockholm Resilience Centre
Research news | 2023-01-13
Food systems are becoming increasingly stressed, but whether they are local or global is not the big issue
Research news | 2022-11-03
Money is pouring into food tech. But despite rosy claims, food innovations are rarely empirically assessed from a broader sustainability perspective
Video news | 2021-04-06
Presentation av Amanda Wood för UR Samtiden 2021
Research news | 2021-03-02
Transforming food systems is a shortcut to more sustainable lifestyles. Insights from a Nordic collaboration reveal significant potential for change
Research news | 2021-02-15
Centre researcher Amanda Wood explains why food is a crucial but very challenging place to start a global sustainability transformation
Research news | 2021-01-27
The Nordic countries’ most important global contribution to achieving food related sustainability goals may come from their strong innovation networks
Research news | 2020-11-24
While hurdles remain, the region can build on the shared history of collaboration to tackle food system challenges together, new insight papers show
Video news | 2020-06-30
Food has amplified the devastating effects caused by COVID-19 and exposed vulnerabilities across our food system
Research news | 2020-06-25
Benchmarking the Swedish diet relative to global and national environmental targets shows more action on sustainable dietary shifts and more research needed
Research news | 2020-03-19
Four-year programme receives SEK 64 million from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)
General news | 2019-11-18
Praised for its efforts to disseminate knowledge and hope about the transition to a more sustainable system
Research news | 2019-04-03
Nordics in unique position to lead global food transformation, but not without overcoming major challenges
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