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General news | 2024-05-17
The decisions that humanity makes this decade will shape the living conditions on our planet for many generations to come.
General news | 2023-12-14
Research teams from the Centre have successfully applied for grants from Formas, the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development. They receive SEK 25 million across four research projects, as announced in November 2023
General news | 2023-09-19
“Risotto on Swedish oat-rice, with apple cider vinegar, blue mussels from Bohuslän, parsley, and grated Svecia cheese”. That’s one of the science-cooked dishes that guests can enjoy at “A Planetary Lunch” — an experimental lunch week at Stockholm university
Research news | 2023-02-22
Blue foods – fish, shellfish, algae and aquatic plants – can be instrumental in solving multiple global crises, new analysis shows
Research news | 2023-01-13
Food systems are becoming increasingly stressed, but whether they are local or global is not the big issue
Research news | 2022-06-20
Centre researcher Malin Jonell has won the Östersjöakuten award 2022 for her research contributions to the Baltic Sea
Video news | 2021-10-08
Centre researcher Malin Jonell explains how eating more seafood could help reduce the damage caused to our planet and its biodiversity
Research news | 2021-09-15
Improvements to aquaculture production, lower prices, and changing cultural preferences expected to drive up demand for fish, seafood and seaweed
Research news | 2021-09-15
Blue Food Assesssment finds fish, shellfish and algae offer untapped potential for global development if the right policies and investments are put in place
Research news | 2021-06-10
“Blue foods” have so much to offer. With life and livelihoods being the theme of World Ocean Day 2021, centre researcher Malin Jonell reflects on the role of seafood in food systems
Research news | 2021-03-11
Malin Jonell explains why we need to work hard to dramatically change the food we put on our plates
Research news | 2020-03-19
Four-year programme receives SEK 64 million from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)
Research news | 2020-02-13
New assessment aims to fill critical gaps in understanding the growing role aquatic foods play in the global food system
Research news | 2019-11-20
A stringent focus on seafood certification neglects the diversity of tools needed to create sustainable fishing practices and conservation
General news | 2019-11-18
Praised for its efforts to disseminate knowledge and hope about the transition to a more sustainable system
Research news | 2019-08-06
Are certification schemes contributing to better environmental performance or is it just a way for corporations to get an in with conscious consumers?
Research news | 2019-04-30
Rätt val i fiskdisken gynnar både hälsa och miljö
Research news | 2019-01-17
New Lancet report demonstrates why diet and food production must radically change to improve health and avoid potentially catastrophic damage to the planet
Research news | 2018-10-10
But it requires a global shift towards healthy and more plant-based diets, halving food loss and waste, say researchers
Research news | 2017-10-19
The starting point for a rethink on how we produce our food
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